In advance of the official release on March 11 at SXSW, this helps you see what the general outline of the report covers. —JM
NEW (March 9)

Four Things That I’m Thinking About Resilience
- Form and Function are the cornerstones of classical design. As adversities continue to trend upwards, Fear is a natural reaction that triggers the amygdala’s Fight or Flight response. Resilience is about choosing Fight.
- Change is constant. Controlling how one reacts to it is a learnable skill. Design is the craft of introducing desirable change; designers know how to present change in your environment that minimizes your fears.
- We’re wired to face our own mortality with fear. It’s always there, deep in our minds. It keeps us alive. Keeping the “why we live” separate from “how we might expire” strengthens one’s resolve to be resilient.
- Businesses face hazards that can affect their own mortality on a by-second basis. In the past, leaving everything to chance was all that anyone could do or plan for. With hazards of all kinds rising, businesses are wanting more than just luck.

1 Design and Resilience
* Form & Function & Fears (+ Flight & Flight)
2 Resilient to Change
* Know: “What you can’t change” vs “What you can change”
3 Resilience and Mattering
* When facing adversity, try to focus on what you love in life.
4 The Business of Resilience
* New technologies for managing “unknown unknowns” have arrived.
5 Adversities are Trending ↑
* As the world gets more challenging, we’re becoming more resilient.
1 Design and Resilience
- Form and Function are the cornerstones of classical design.
- Top of mind for everyone are trending adversities↑ that result in Fear.
- The solution? Resilience.
2 Resilient to Change
- Design is the craft of introducing desirable change.
- Biologically, we react to change with fear (= excitement).
- Change is constant. Controlling how one reacts to it is a learnable skill.
3 Mattering and Mortality
- What matters the most to ourselves is … our selves. Our own lives.
- We’re wired to face our mortality with fear. It’s always there, deep in our minds.
- Keeping the “why we live” separate from “how we might expire” strengthens resilience.
4 The Business of Resilience
- Businesses face hazards that can affect their own mortality on a by-second basis.
- In the past, leaving everything to chance was all that anyone could do or plan for.
- With hazards of all kinds rising, businesses are wanting more than just luck.
5 Adversities Are Trending ↑
- Digital transformation means your job (or your company) might be going away.
- Digital transformation also means you’re unsure of who to listen to anymore.
- And global shifts in climate behavior are adding new, gigantic uncertainties.
- Lastly, keep in mind that resilience in the workplace has negative consequences.